Dentistry Center
Eurodent Kraków
Dentist Krakow
Dentist Eurodent
Eurodent dentistry clinic
Eurodent Kraków
Dentistry Center
Dentist Eurodent
Dentist Krakow
Eurodent dentistry clinic
Stomatological office dentists in Cracow
We change with the spirit of time and because of that, we invite you to our new, modernized dentists Centre
From now on we take care of your teeth in more comfortable conditions,
st. Krowoderska 51, Cracow.
(400 m far from our old clinic).

Professional dentists at your fingertips.
Dental surgery in Krakow.
EuroDent Dentistry Center has been taking care of healthy and beautiful smiles of patients from Krakow and the surrounding area since 1991. Highly qualified dentists offer comprehensive and professional dental services, also for patients from abroad. Taking care of the highest possible standard of services and the comfort of each patient, our dentists provide services in English, Italian, German and French.

Eurodent dental center provides its clients a permanent card entitling the patient to a series of discounts and free treatments.
Dental services at the highest level.
Dental clinic EuroDent Dentistry Center offers professional services in the field of conservative dentistry and dental surgery.
We also perform teeth whitening procedures and support the maintenance of proper oral hygiene. Our qualified dentists specialize in prosthetics, orthodontics and implantology.
Dental care for Your Employees
We have created an innovative offer for our business partners and their employees. Contact us so that we can prepare an individual dental care package for You and Your staff.

ul. Krowoderska 51
31-141 Kraków

12 634 58 93, 12 634 24 09
Fax: (12) 634 51 48

Hours of admission
Monday – Friday
8:00 – 20:00
9:00 – 15:00